Saturday, July 25, 2009

881 Movie Actress And Ger-tai Singer Karen Lim

Petite Karen Lim, vocalizing her 60s Hokkien and Mandarin melodies, wooed the audience with her beauty, wit and natural charm when she was on the Orchid Country Club stage. 

A concert was staged there with the Silver Strings,  Andy, Mike and Herb, Veronica Young, Rahimah Rahim, Ronnie, and The Burns with the Beatles Unlimited as the highlight that evening. 'Those Were The Days' announced the huge banner outside the Club's lobby.

Singing three Chinese songs, Karen danced and teased her way through an exceptionally comic performance, accompanied by two 60s A-Go-Go dancers in colorful costumes. 60s Chinese music by a 21st Century star. That went a long way.

She was a delight with her banter and routine when she practically dragged a shy, member of the audience on stage and teased him with her songs. 

She was pleasant and restful backstage after the show and agreed to pose for the picture. She did not talk to anyone and hurried off after a quick change, ready for another show at another concert. She was a professional alright. Meeting Karen was a delight!
Grand Finale of 'Those Were The Days' Concert with Andy, Ronnie, the late rhythm guitarist, Bobo, Audie, and Jerry. 

Image/Original article: Andy Lim Collection.


  1. Anonymous25.7.09

    A bit of banter, some teasing and jokes made the audience roar with delight. And of course, kudos to the sporting and affable participant ( from Banquet it seems). MOLLY SIM

  2. Brings us back to the 60s when Sakura joked and teased the audience when they performed. Rita Chao was the quiet one.

  3. Anonymous1.8.09

    good show. have more
