Friday, May 22, 2009

Yes More Than One Pop 60s Band In Singapore!

Philips' label has released a CD box in Singapore by Universal Music. Shirley Nair and the Silver Strings are featured, including a host of other 60s bands.
Christopher Toh, journalist for wrote on 21st May 2009, "I used to think that Singapore's music from the 60s started and ended with The Quests and their instrumental hit, "Shanty" but boy was I ever wrong."
Apparently Christopher Toh is not the only person unaware of Singapore 60s music. Why the ignorance then? During the 2009 American Idol finale last night, some 60s singers and musicians were featured singing with the current Idol group. Shouldn't it be done during the forthcoming Singapore Idol competition too? Make the younger generation aware of our 60s bands.
Please spread the information around. Talk about our pop music heritage. And let it also be known that there are many people in Singapore who are familiar with 60s pop music culture.
Find out and learn from the buskers on our streets, the older musicians playing in the clubs and those who have been part of the vibrant scene in the mid-50s, 60s and early 70s. They may not be around for long.


  1. Thanks for sharing your interesting blog. I love your introduction "I'm so young and you're so old". Though I'm not that old but enjoy the oldies music too! :)

    Thanks for your comments. Looking forward to future posts.

  2. Thank you for the positive comments and visit. I am still trying to work out the clock thing.

  3. Shirley Nair appears in The Straits Times on 29th May, 2009 as her songs with the Silver Strings are out again in the CD shops .
