Sunday, January 04, 2009

'The Young Ones/Once' & 'Opposite Sex'

Home parties were held to celebrate birthdays and festivities like Christmas and New Year. They were also places where friends gathered to meet "the opposite sex". The atmosphere was usually cordial and to get to know someone new in an amicable way was exciting then.
There would be a live band. Music played? Cliff Richard numbers like, 'When The Girl In Your Arms', 'Travelling Light' and 'The Young Ones'.
Instrumentals include: 'Vaya Condios', 'Apache' and 'Red River Rock'. Seasonals include, 'Jingle Bells' and 'Phoenix Song' (CNY).

SDU was unknown then. Comments?


  1. Anonymous4.1.09

    Andy, this picture brings back a flood of pleasant memories. Yes, home parties were the in thing then. It was exciting to go to these parties where we could meet TOS. Hope to see more of such pictures - Richard Seah.

  2. Anonymous5.1.09

    Met one didn't you? Or many more?
